
Black History Month 2014


Celebrating Black History Month @ The Style Loft.

Celebrating Black History Month is about recognizing the past, educating the present and moving forward. So many times, we truly miss the importance of celebrating Black History. It seems that holidays and days of remembrance are about consumer sales. “President’s Day Sale!” here or “Veterans Day Sale!” there. We forget about the African-American, Jewish, Latino, and Asian cultures that fought, died and struggle just so the next generation can grow and flourish.

Black History is everyone’s history. It’s my history. It’s a movement of a culture that was once considered property but now are equal. It’s a change to society that gave voting rights and equal opportunities to all mankind. It’s remembering the time of freedom that continues to ring. We must continually come together and unite for the better good of our brothers and sisters. Those before us fought, bleed and died just so we could sit on the front of the bus, attend any school in America, or hold the hand of another brother or sister.

Today it seems that our youth quickly forget about their African-American history, by degrading their heritage with foul language, offensive gestures, vulgar jokes, cruel remarks and blatant disrespect. It hurts to think about the future but pushes us to reach out into the community to show and teach what being proud of their African-American roots and taking pride within themselves looks like.

I have heard repeatedly how February is too short in the number of days to celebrate Black History. Yet we forget that our ancestors worked hard to get Black History recognized. It’s not about the number of days or the month in which its celebrated, Black History is all year-long. The next generation needs our help and its up to us to show, teach and train them. As an African-American woman, I am proud of those that came before me and will continue to help those after me.

Celebrate Black History Month 365 days! Be a role model or mentor! Show, teach and learn so all can grow together!

Read and Learn: Black History is American History